Color Me Rad

10259849_10152061610112617_7485192026534260187_n-1I am not the type of person who enjoys running. Not. One. Bit. I did my fair share of running for soccer throughout the years and I don’t think I can honestly say I ever enjoyed it. It was just something I had to do. My sister is a D1 runner for Butler University, so I know there are strange people out there who find a great deal of pleasure running their buts off, but I am just not one of those people. I never in a million years thought I would pay money to run three miles. But I am a sucker for color. So when I heard about the Color Me Rad run, they had my full attention. The first time I seriously looked into it was the winter of 2012. A friend and I found a race in Lexington, KY just before Spring Break. We made the trip and had a blast. But there were so many things I wished I had known about before we went.

Color Me Rad 2Last year, when I started seeing advertisements for CMR coming to Cincinnati, I knew I wanted to go again. I gathered a group of friends, we made tu-tus, decked ourselves out in white and headed up to Kings Island to get blasted with color. This time I better understood what CMR was all about so I was prepared. I let everyone know months ahead of time to sign up to get the discounted price. We made a team name. I purchased the photo package (which now comes standard when you sign up) and was ready to have some fun.

The weather was pretty crappy and it was freezing, again. Luckily this time we were smart enough to wear long sleeves and long socks. We definitely didn’t run the whole time,(not even close) but when it was all said and done, I was exhausted. We ran through the color stations and even dove on the ground a couple times. Once we crossed the finish line we stayed for the “after party”. I caught a t-shirt and we all got covered in even more color. We stayed for about 30 minutes just jumping and dancing with everyone who had finished the race. We didn’t leave until it started raining. I had so much fun. ColorMeRad3

I didn’t go this year because I had just moved and I was still settling into my new routine when I learned CMR was coming to Columbus, GA. But I think it’s safe to say that I haven’t had my last Color Me Rad experience. Congrats CMR, you get the “Lyssa Stamp of Approval”.


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