Name Canvas

This morning I had the pleasure of having Miss. Anna Kate over for a few hours. She loves arts & crafts just as much as I do, so as usual, we made something fancy. A couple weeks ago, we were scrolling through Pinterest together and we saw some paintings made using painters tape. She didn’t understand how it worked so today I picked a project to teach her. She had so much fun painting it! It is such a simple project for the little ones in your life.


  • Canvas or Canvas Board
  • Painters Tape
  • Paint
  • Old T-Shirt or Apron (not pictured)

**Be prepared with lots of paper towels.**


  1. Cover your table with paper towels or newspaper and get your little one in an old t-shirt or an apron. This is going to get really messy.
  2. Use the tape to write out the child’s name (or any other word you may want) on the canvas board.
  3. Have them push the tape down as hard as they can. Make sure it is flat to the canvas. You don’t want any paint sneaking under.
  4. Hand them a brush and let them go crazy. Try to make sure they aren’t getting the paint too watery if they are washing their brushes off. Anna Kate learned that watery paint can get under the tape.
  5. Let dry. About an hour. If you are under a time constraint you can cut down the time by turning on a fan or using a blow dryer.
  6. Peel off the tape. If watery paint made its way under the tape, it will come right off with a wet paper towel.

The possibilities for this project are endless. No matter how many times you or your little one make it, you will never make the same project twice. You can also try to use letter stickers or stencils to get a new feel to your painting. Have fun creating your own masterpiece!


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