Once Upon My Fairy Tale is now on Facebook!

NicetomeetchaHappy Thursday everyone! I decided to make a Facebook Page for everything Once Upon My Fairy Tale!!! Feel free to give it a like if you’re on Facebook and want up to the minute updates on my ever-changing adventures!

Once Upon My Fairy Tale’s Facebook Page

And don’t forget to follow us on Pinterest!

Once Upon My Fairy Tale’s Pinterest Page

Thanks a million! Check back for lots of new Disney, DIY, and Halloween post coming soon!


My Pinterest

PintHello Bloggers, Readers, Crafters, Eaters, and Everyone In Between!

Did you know that Once Upon My Fairy Tale has a Pinterest!?

If you are interested in keeping up with everything OUMFT has to offer, click on over to My Pinterest Page and give us a follow!


Audrey- Completed December 2013 | NFS


This is a painting I did in a mixed media painting class my senior year of college. It is a portrait of my idol Audrey Hepburn. I learned a lot during this project and it is probably one of my favorite pieces I have ever done. There are several layers of paint and colored pencil. It took several weeks for me to complete this piece. For this reason it is not for sale.


Sisters of Arendelle- Completed January 2014 | For Sale


This is a stylized painting of Elsa and Anna from the Disney movie Frozen. My senior year I was given a project to illustrate and paint a winter related story. When I started the movie hadn’t been released but there were several articles out about the origin of the storyline. I read up and came up with this painting.


Ariel- Completed April 2015 | Sold

The first painting I ever made without a professor telling me what guidelines had to be met. I painted this solely because I wanted to. I wasn’t worried about pleasing anyone but myself and I had no idea what I was going to do with it when it was finished. I posted it on Facebook and several people messaged me about buying it. I had never sold anything before so it was a really nice feeling.
